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Our story

Jesus Kids Stars Foundation is a faith based nonprofit organization operating currently in Kampala, Kawempe plot 3040 Ttula road, and our operations are located in Nakaseke, Mpigi, Kawempe and Luwero.
Jesus Kids Stars Foundation began in 2010 as a small outreach ministry operating in Kawempe. It was founded by Gitta Simon Kasirivu. He is passionate for helping the needy in his community since his childhood, he dreamed for a long time that day to come when he could financially able to so. He wanted to help the children since he himself was also helped by a Good Samaritan during his childhood. Gitta´s mother passed away when he was very young and his father was a drunkard who never knew the value of education.

Gitta Simon Kasirivu after completed studies decided to ask his sponsor, Nantaze Teddy who is a Ugandan by then leaving Germany, on how he could repay his gratitude towards her. Her reply to Gitta was “Do others what has been done to you”. This was a perfect confirmation of what the Lord had placed for so long within Gitta´s heart.

Gitta opened the foundation called Jesus Kids Stars Foundation in 2012, and in 2014, the foundation was officially registered as a Community Based Organization (CBO) number 17829 . In 2019, JKSF was officially recognized as an indigenous NGO by the government of Uganda.
And for now Jesus Kids Stars Foundation is trying to address major issues affecting our Ugandan communities and help the needy. 


Who we are

Jesus Kids Stars Foundation is a non-government organization in Uganda and an indigenous Christian based organization which started in 2010 as a community based organization (CBO) with 10-15 vulnerable children and helpless from remote families.
Later the charity foundation was legalized and transformed into a NGO in 2022.

Over the past decade, the number of orphans and vulnerable children living in Uganda has been scaling at an alarming rate in 2004 the number of orphans was estimated to be 1.8million, in 2009 that number had grown to nearly 2.6million. Over 1 million of those children have lost their parent.

Our values

We are a passionate, driven by purpose and deeply committed to our mission.

We want to build trust and create meaning in our work together.
We see potential in everyone, everywhere.
We believe each person has extra ordinary skills and talents just waiting to be realized.
We believe human connections matters.

At Jesus Kids Stars Foundation we are all about relationships, communication, collaboration and team work, and when we join forces with those around us, we all go further together.
We are always learning
We celebrate knowledge, creativity an
d innovation; we pay attention to data and research. 

Our areas of focus

  • Under-age marriages and teenage pregnancies

  • Education

  • Disabled &Orphan Children

  • Domestic violence

  • HIV/AIDS pandemic

  • Child abuse

  • School dropouts


We support poverty eradication programs, widows, and empowerment of women, programs for the disabled, sanitation and health sensitization, among many others.


Do you want to know more?

Plese, take contact!


Challenges in Uganda

Extreme Poverty
Many of these children are deprived of their basic needs due to high levels of poverty. Nearly half of the population lives below the poverty line, out of which 19% are children. Uganda’s rural areas in particular struggle with a very high poverty rate

After their parents die or become disabled by illness, orphans and vulnerable children as young as five years old become both mother and father to their younger siblings. Those whose parents suffer from HIV/AIDS face an additional burden of care as complications develop and worsen over time. Children are forced to drop out of school as they try and provide necessities for their siblings.


Unfair wages
Orphans have to find work wherever they can due to their lack of education and resources: laboring in fields, tending cattle, carrying water, or other back-breaking tasks. When they can find work, orphans are often paid unfair wages because they have no alternative but to accept whatever is given. When there is no work, they must beg for or steal food to ward off starvation. Survival becomes a daily struggle.


Living in extreme poverty without the support of their parents, orphans are vulnerable to additional kinds of exploitation. Neighbors and occasionally relatives can take advantage of them because they know that there is no longer an adult to enforce the children’s property rights. Orphans are also vulnerable to physical abuse. These children are beaten and sometimes mutilated after they are driven by hunger to steal small amounts of food to eat. Girls are subject to sexual exploitation when they face the hard choice of selling their bodies for food or watching their families go hungry.



Many of these children live in communities where there are widespread misconceptions about the causes of HIV/AIDS. After their parents die from HIV/AIDS-related complications, they are shunned by neighbors and community members for fear of catching the disease. Orphans find themselves isolated within their communities, surrounded by those who are unwilling or unable to reach out to them.


It was while facing these serious issues that Jesus Kids Stars Foundation was formed.

You are more than welcome to join and support our work!

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